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Bloomberg Opinion: Medicare Needs to Cover Dental, Hearing and Vision Care

Published by Max Nisen

(Preventive medicine. Photographer: David McNew/Getty Images)

Medicare is a safety net with a conspicuous hole: It neglects to cover most dental, hearing and vision treatment, including preventive care. Democrats in Congress are right to try to finally fix this problem, via their proposed $3.5 trillion budget.

Because standard Medicare rarely pays for dental care and reimburses nothing at all for hearing and vision exams, eyeglasses or hearing aids, many Americans over 65 enroll in Medicare Advantage plans, administered by private insurers, that cover these services. Others buy supplemental insurance or rely on Medicaid to pay for dental, hearing and vision care. But even these strategies can leave beneficiaries paying almost as much out-of-pocket as people with no supplemental coverage.


The minority of Medicare beneficiaries who have dental, hearing and vision insurance face high out-of-pocket costs....

Read the full article on Bloomberg here.



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